Breed Temperament Study

Sweetness of temperament is the hallmark of our breed.

If you feel strongly that this is the case, then please help support us by investing a small amount of your time in collecting temperament data.

C-BARQ is a tool developed and administered by the University of Pennsylvania. They have developed a well researched and validated tool to give a great overview of temperament in dogs. By collecting breed specific data, we will better be able to direct funding and education efforts for breeders, owners, trainers and fanciers in the future.

Instructions for C-BARQ

Instructions for your first entry:

1. go to the C-BARQ Website

2. Click the Green “Sign Up Now” button

3. Complete the information on the “Create A Profile” page (This allows you to be able to go back and see the scores for the dogs you enter) click the “Create Your Profile” button.

4. The next screen asks how you were referred to C-BARQ - choose “Referred By A Breeder or Breed Group”

5. You will be given a drop down menu of options - choose “All Newfoundlands”

6. When prompted to enter a user code - enter: 886586

7. Then from your user screen you can click the “Add A Dog” option to add each of the dogs currently living with you. Each dog takes about 10 minutes to enter.

For additional visits/entering more dogs, you’ll just need to enter your email and password and click the “Add A Dog” button or the “View Results" button to see completed dogs. Dogs must be at least 6 months old to be entered.

The survey is being administered by the NCA’s Charitable Trust Management Board, with the approval and support of the Board of Directors of the Newfoundland Club of America.